Sunday, December 2, 2012

The crafted object : Adero Willard – ceramicist

Check it out! I've updated my website, and my Etsy Site. Read further for a special Etsy offer. 

What gets me through the holiday season, besides spending as much time as possible in the studio. Listening to podcasts and audiobooks. Comedy podcasts have been a big hit lately, and I have been enjoying listening to interviews, sketches, and riffs. My favorites right now are the Long Shot podcast, Cashing in with T.J. Miller, and You Made it Weird. I feel a connection to comedians. They have chosen a lifestyle, where they create something that we need but don't need, and they like to make people happy. I have also been listening to John le Carré's, Tinker Tailor Soldier, Spy on audio book, which I have also read before, watched on BBC, and whatever other versions available.

Check out a great blog, and read an article written by Julie Gibbons, creator of  the blog  contemporary craft, surface design, photography, and the stories behind the art. She just wrote and article about my work and influences as a potter. "The crafted object : Adero Willard – ceramicist"

Julie Gibbons writes a blog that discusses " contemporary craft, surface design, photography, and the stories behind the art". 
Also, I am on my way to the studio to glaze my last pots for Craft Boston Holiday. Here are a couple of teaser process pictures. I hope they make it through the next two kiln firings.

Come visit me at Craft Boston this weekend to see the finished pieces.

If you have read this far down. I also want to extend to you free shipping on my Etsy site. When you purchase something, just type in "AderoHoliday" ( without quotation marks).